It has been said that nothing we do or say in our lives will matter as much as the way we love others. At Nazareth Home, we find this to be true. To love and serve the elders and their family members is an honor. We get to see each day how much it makes a difference in someone’s life. We also get to see how our local community loves the elders, showering them with kindness whenever they get a chance.
Recently the Home of the Innocence, a residential and treatment community that enriches children’s lives, contacted us to ask if they could help to bring joy to our elders. To brighten the elders’ day and keep them warm, the children made socks and blankets for those living at Nazareth Home. In return, the elders made Valentine’s Day cards for each of the children.
Studies show when older and younger people form meaningful relationships, it improves both groups’ well-being. Relationships with adults matter in young people’s lives and relationships with children are a critical ingredient to our health as we age. When nurtured, these elderly and youth relationships are beautiful and beneficial. We are excited to see this relationship expand.
Another local organization spreading kindness to the elders is Southeast Christian Church. They have provided Valentine’s personal care packages for the elders at our Clifton campus. What joy these packages brought to the elders.
With the COVID-19 restrictions, the elders can feel a sense of disconnection from the outside world. We know the elders are getting to connect with their loved ones, but it is also special to make new connections during this time. The additional love bestowed to the elders from local businesses and organizations brings joy and happiness to all.
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