Community support is essential to our success. Your gift provides a level of flexibility that is necessary for innovative care and compassion to thrive. There are many options to give to Nazareth Home.
A gift of cash is the quickest and simplest way to support Nazareth Home.
Checks should be made payable to:
Nazareth Home, Inc. and mailed to:
Michael J. Buckman, Director of Development,
Nazareth Home, 2000 Newburg Road, Louisville, Kentucky, 40205
Making a planned gift may allow you to give more than you thought possible and, at the same time, benefit from tax advantages. Planned or deferred gift options include bequests, annuities, trusts, and securities. When planning to make a gift of securities, such as stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, please notify the Director of Development Michael Buckman by calling 502-473-2375 or emailing
To join the Kroger Community Rewards program, all you have to do is visit and create an account. Once you’ve signed up, every time you swipe your Kroger Plus Card, Kroger will donate a portion of your purchases to Nazareth Literary & Benevolent Institution (Nazareth Home).
The AmazonSmile program is a simple and automatic way for you to support Nazareth Home every time you shop at Amazon. To use this program, visit and select Nazareth Homes Foundation as your charity of choice. After you sign up, a portion of each eligible purchase is donated to Nazareth Home.
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